manila rope Manila rope Manila Cordage is an exporter of manila rope and other cordage like pp polypro nylon polyester danline superdanline superdan abaca

  fManila Cordage Company's FAQs about Rope  






Facts about Rope

  Manila Cordage Company's

What is the difference between a yarn, a twine, and a rope? A yarn is an aggregate of fibers compacted generally by a twisting operation into a cylindrical form of extensive continuous length. A twine is an aggregate of fibers or yarns compressed into a completely balanced twisted structure of continuous length. In plying, it may be twisted or laid. It is used essentially for tying or binding. A rope is a flexible, continuous, twisted yarn-strand structure of fibers, generally greater than 3/16 of an inch in diameter, structurally balanced to maintain a compact form.

Based on the number of strands, what are the four common types of rope constructions that Manco can produce? Hawser-laid ropes; Shroud-laid ropes; Plaited ropes; Cable-laid ropes.

What is meant by a Hawser-laid rope? Shroud-laid rope? Cable-laid rope? and Plaited rope? A hawser-laid rope is a three-strand rope; a shroud-laid rope is a four-strand rope; a cable-laid rope is a nine-strand rope or triple three-strand ropes laid together to make one rope; and a plaited rope is an eight-strand rope.

Where they are of the same size and length, which is heavier, Nylon, Polypropylene (PP), or Manila rope? Manila rope is the heaviest, while Polypropylene is the lightest of three.

Of Manila, Polypropylene, and Nylon ropes, which is the strongest? Nylon is the strongest having three times the strength of Manila, followed by Polypropylene with twice the strength of Manila.

What are the general uses / areas where ropes are used? Shipping; Agriculture; Construction; Fishing; Oil Exploration and Rigging; Military; Utilities (Power & Water); Search and Rescue; Sports and Leisure.

In determining which rope is best suited for your requirements, what factors are of special importance? a) Strength - lifts the load and does the work. It takes good fiber to give full strength; b) Abrasion Resistance - assures extra life on pulleys, winches and other wearing- or torsion-conditions; c) Water Repellency - keeps rope from swelling when wet, prevents it from becoming stiff and unmanageable; d) Flexibility - makes rope pliant and easy to handle under all working conditions; e) Safety - is of particular importance in falls, slings, hoisting, mooring and towing lines; f) Correct Size - using undersized rope causes undue strain on the rope. Proper selection of the right rope-size is the greatest factor in getting full use and long life from your rope.

What are the basic advantages of 3-Strand ropes; 4-Strand ropes; and 8-Strand ropes? a) 3-Strand ropes are preferred for most applications because of its flexibility, knotability, and ease in handling; b) 4-Strand ropes have a slightly firmer lay and provide a rounder rope with more outside surface and more traction on sheaves and objects to be turned or gripped; c) 8-Strand plaited ropes are used mostly for marine applications, their neutral (or balanced) construction provide excellent cockling resistance.

Between Splicing and Knotting, which is the stronger way to join two ropes? A splice is stronger than a knot. The strongest way to join two ropes, or to make a sling or endless rope, is to splice it correctly. Even the most efficient knots will reduce rope strength by as much as 50%, while a carefully-made splice could save up to 95% of the strength of the rope being spliced.

Is there a correct way of uncoiling ropes? Yes. To avoid distorting or kinking the lay of the rope, first, Uncoil rope properly. Lay coil flat with inside end of rope on the top. Loosen lashings and covering and pull rope end up.

What is the proper way to store rope? Rope should always be dry before it is stored. Storing wet rope causes mildew and rot. A cool, dry room with air freely circulating is ideal. If necessary to store on metal or concrete floors, protect the rope with planking to prevent contact with the floor.

What are the enemies of Manila rope? Acids and their fumes, alkalis, oils, paints and barn-yard mud are injurious to vegetables fibers and will quickly damage rope. Protect it from these agents whenever possible and remember that clean, dry rope is the best assurance of long rope life.

Which rope should you recommend if its use requires the rope to float in water? Polypropylene rope.

Name some of the applications of ropes. Cables; Falls; Halyards; Lanyards; and Lines. Examples of the above: tow ropes, hawsers, boat falls, utility pull lines for tension stringing, fishing ropes, swimming pool markers, life lines, and industrial slings.

What is a "core" or "heart" in a 4-strand rope? What is its significance? A "core" or "heart" is a small, plain-laid rope used as the center of certain 4-strand ropes. The "heart" forms a bed for the strands to rest on and makes the rope firmer and rounder.

What is a right-laid rope? a left-laid rope? In a right-laid rope, the completed rope is twisted in the normal fashion, that is, twisted in a counter-clockwise direction. This manner of laying is also referred to as Z-lay. On the other hand, a left-laid rope is twisted in the direction opposite of that used in the Z-lay. Left-lay is also referred to as S-lay.

What is Breaking Strength? The estimated load that will cause a rope to part. It does not take into account wear and tear, shock-loading or weakening by knotting.

What is the meaning of Breaking Length? The length of rope or yarn which because of its weight would cause the rope/yarn to break when hung vertically.

Using the 8-strand plaited construction, what are the smallest and the biggest sizes of rope that Manco can produce? The smallest is of 5" circ. (40mm dia.) and the biggest is of 15" circ. (120mm dia.)

What is meant by ‘Factor of Safety’? It is the ratio of the Minimum Breaking Strength to the Safe Working Load. That is: Factor of Safety = [ Minimum Breaking Strength Safe Working Load ]. The factor of safety varies depending on specifications and on the material the rope is made of.

What is the significance of the Safe Working Load? Safe Working Load specifies the weight limits within which a given rope may be safely used.

What is a Kink? A Cockle? A Knuckle? A Hockle? and a Chinckle? How do they affect a rope? A kink is an abrupt bend or loop in a rope which is a result of an unbalanced twist relationship in the rope structure. Strand kinks are also termed as cockles, or knuckles. A hockle is a condition whereby a rope strand twists on itself -- also called a chinckle. Apart from the effect on the strength of the rope, kinks and cockles are detrimental because they interfere with the utility of the rope. They will not pass through a block, will not lie properly, and will chafe more readily.

What are the various routine tests for rope at Manco's Quality Control Laboratory? Tests on size under a no-load condition and under a specific load; on weight; on lay; on tensile strength; on abrasion; on elongation; weathering/aging; on Becker value; and on oil content.

What is the difference between Elongation and Elasticity? Elongation is the fractional increase in length of a material stressed in tension, while Elasticity is that property of a material by virtue of which it tends to recover its original size and shape after subjected to tension.

What are the standard put-ups for twines? 5-pound balls at 10 balls/sack; 1.2 or 1.4 kg. universal cones at 10 cones/sack; many ends of 25, 50 and 100 per strand/coil.

What standards of specification can Manco use in rope manufacture? US Federal Standards TR-605B for Manila Ropes; Cordage Institute Specifications for Synthetic Ropes; British; ISO; Australian; and German.

What are some of the other rope-related products that Manco can produce? Anchor ropes, cable-laid ropes, halters, randed hanks, plain hanks, "nylon borne" rope, plant hangers, playground equipment, climbing net, foot sling, mini rope-ladders, obstacle nets, balikbayan ropes, rope art, safety nets, sample boards, slings, splicing boards, tow ropes, rope ladders, line-steering ropes, mini coils, cargo nets, doormats, hammocks.

The raw material for Manila rope is abaca. What is its scientific name? How would you describe this material? abaca is the fiber from the leaf-stem of the plant musa textilis, native to the Philippines. It is closely related to and resembles the common, cultivated, banana plant (musa sapientum).

Name the main areas or regions in the Philippines where abaca is grown. Jolo, Davao, Samar, Leyte, Quezon, and the Bicol Region.

Abaca fiber grade is based on three main characteristics and two minor properties which, though not specifically involved in grade determination, are nevertheless necessary in order to identify the origin of a particular fiber. Name these characteristics. The main characteristics used as bases for grading Philippine abaca are strength, manner of cleaning, and color. Fiber texture and length are needed in order to identify the origin of the fiber. Texture or softness of the fiber varies with the variety of abaca plant and the district of origin.

What are the basic processes in the manufacture of hard fiber rope? Preparation, Spinning, and Laying.

What are the objectives of fiber preparation? Essentially, the goal of fiber preparation is the conversion of fibers that have been compressed into bales, to ribbons of parallel fibers, uniform in thickness, and adequate with respect to the number of fibers in the cross section to attain the fibers of the yarn required.

Is there any treatment that is normally applied to Manila ropes? Generally, our Natural Fiber Ropes are lubricated with a water repellent treatment which will enable the rope to resist moisture, mildew, and rot. Upon request, ropes may be copper-treated for the added protection of fibers against rot and mildew.

What is the purpose of applying a cordage batching-oil mixture to fibers? Applying oil to fiber has a three-fold function. Oil serves: (a) as a lubricant, to minimize friction between fiber and pins and between fibers; (b) as a softener, to soften the fibers and make combing easier; and (c), depending on the type of oil mixture applied, as a preservative, to protect the rope from mildew and/or rot.

What do you mean by a #18 yarn or a #24 yarn or #36 yarn? There is an American yarn-numbering system employed in hard fiber processing. In that system, a No. 18 yarn is a yarn whose runnage is 270 feet per pound. To determine the yarn number of a hard fiber yarn, using the American Standard, the yarn runnage is divided by a constant: 15. British Standards, on the other hand, refer to 20, 24, 30 thread. The British yarn numbering system is computed by dividing the constant: 13.5 by the feet per pound.

Does the British Standard Specification require any Becker (Color) Value for Manila ropes? There is no Becker Value requirement for Manila rope under the British Standard Specification.

What is the effect of a water repellent treatment given to rope? It retards the rate of water penetration within the rope or cord structure, so that even though it is exposed to water, the rope will retain its structural stability for a longer period.

Why is Copper Napthenate applied to Manila rope? To minimize loss of strength due to micro-biological, fungi, or mildew attacks.

Green Line Lariat is made for agricultural and drilling applications. Why is it manufactured to hard-lay construction? Its hard-lay construction prevents easy penetration of mud and, to a certain extent, preserves the rope from rot and other forms of deterioration present in agricultural and drilling work.

Assuming that a piece of Manila rope is new, would there be any change in its breaking strength when it is soaked in boiling water (212 degrees F)? Why? Yes. In temperatures over 180 degrees F, abaca rope loses strength rapidly.

What is the strength of U.S. Standard Class 2 rope as compared to that of Class 1? There is no difference in strength between Class 1 and 2. They differ only in that the U.S. Standard requires a color or Becker value of 36 minimum for Class 1 and below 36 for Class 2.

What are the differences between a 3-strand and a 4-strand Manila rope insofar as tensile strengths and weights are concerned? A 4-strand rope has 95% of the tensile strength of a 3-strand rope and is normally 7% heavier in weight.

The rough business of ranching demands a very special kind of rope. The lives and the work of cattlemen and ranchers depend on it. Made of the highest grade Manila hemp available, this rope may be considered as the aristocrat of ropes. What rope is this? The Lariat.

What is a Manila Safety Line? Manila Safety Line is a 4-strand Manila rope with a wire-rope core. It is used for climbing, construction, lumbering, and search and rescue work. Its wire rope core provides an additional margin of safety in case the Manila rope is damaged accidentally.

What is Extrusion? The melting of a plastic material and the forcing of it through an orifice in a continuous fashion. PP resin is melted and extruded to form a monofilament or film.

What is a Filament? The smallest element of material forming the individual fibers of synthetic rope. They are generally extremely long and continuous fiber produced in spinning or extrusion of synthetic materials like PP, PE, Nylon, and Polyester among others.

What is Nylon? The word "Nylon" is a generic term that designates a group of related chemical compounds classified as polyamides. Nylon is not a trademark - it is a textile, just as silk, rayon, and acetates are textiles. As defined by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), nylon "is a long-chain synthetic polyamide in which less than 85 percent of the amide linkages are attached to two aromatic rings." They can be formed into monofilaments or yarns characterized by great toughness, strength and elasticity, high melting point, and good resistance to water and chemicals.

What is Ter-y-pro? Ter-y-pro is a brand of rope produced by Manco which is a combination of polypropylene and polyester fibers. The combined properties of these two fibers produce a rope ideal for heavy marine work and for the fishing industry.

What is Polyester? Polyester fibers are long-chained polymers produced from elements derived from coal, air, water, and petroleum. As defined by the FTC, these fibers are chemically composed of "at least 85 percent by weight of an ester of a substituted aromatic carboxylic acid, including but not restricted to substituted hydroxybenzoate units." In general, polyester fiber is characterized as having a high degree of stretch resistance, which means that polyester ropes are not likely to stretch out of its original length too easily.

What is Polypropylene? A tough light-weight, rigid plastic made by the polymerization of high-purity propylene gas in the presence of an organo-metallic catalyst at relatively low pressures and temperatures. Polypropylene is the lightest of all synthetic fibers and provides a high strength-to-weight ratio.

What is Polyethylene? A thermoplastic material composed solely of ethylene. It is normally a translucent, tough, waxy filament which is unaffected by water and by a large range of chemicals.

What are the basic types of Polypropylene yarn? Briefly describe them. 1) Monofilament yarn - produced from individual filaments of indefinite length; 2) Multifilament - yarn composed of a multitude of fine continuous filaments ranging from about 5 to 10 denier; 3) Fibrilated yarn - PP sheets split into various narrow widths as required; 4) Staple yarn - made from cut PP filaments of short lengths; 5) Textured yarns - multifilament PP fibers crimped or textured and spun into yarn.

What amount of water can Polypropylene absorb? None. Polypropylene is practically non-absorbent. PP cannot be saturated with water.

Does light have any effect on Polypropylene? Yes. PP deteriorates when exposed to direct sunlight. The ultraviolet light causes its breakdown. To overcome this, UV-stabilizers are added to our PP ropes to protect against light degradation.

At what temperatures would synthetic ropes suffer progressive loss of strength? Synthetic rope deteriorates rapidly and melts at the following points: nylon - 482 F (250 C); polyester - 500 F (260 C); polypropylene - 329 F (165 C); polyethylene - 279 F (137 C).

What is the safety factor for polypropylene rope? Explain. The safety factor is 7. This means that the rope is required to be seven times stronger than what is actaully needed to do the job.

Among Manco ropes, which has the highest resistance to abrasion? Polyester rope

What is the recommended safety factor for Nylon? for Polyester? The safety factor, 9, is recommended for both Nylon and Polyester.

What is a Denier? Denier is an old French coin formerly used in weighing silk yarn to determine its fineness. Today it is used as a unit of weight expressing the size of most man-made fibers and yarns. This means the weight in grams of 9000 meters of yarn or fiber. The lower the denier, the finer the yarn.

What advantages are to be gained by using Ter-y-pro rope in place of Polypropylene rope? Polypropylene ropes, when subjected to abrasion, become rough because of broken fiber ends. In Ter-y-pro ropes, however, polyester is used as an outer covering. Thus, abrasion is reduced because polyester has excellent abrasion-resistance. After use, polyester becomes fuzzy, acquiring a softer feel. Additionally, Ter-y-pro has a higher resistance to heat.

In the absence of chemical reagents, how can polypropylene be distinguished from polyethylene? Please explain. Identification can be done by carrying out a Burning Test. Polypropylene melts and ignites with difficulty, even when the fiber is held over a flame. And when withdrawn from the flame, it burns slowly. Its odor is like a faint version of burning asphalt. Polyethylene on the other hand, melts and burns rapidly when held over a flame. It continues to burn swiftly even when the fiber is withdrawn from the flame. It has the odor of burning paraffin.

When was Polypropylene developed? What year did Manco start producing Polypropylene ropes? Production of polypropylene begun at the Montecatini Co., in Italy in 1951. Prof. Giulio Natta and Prof. Ziegler received the Nobel Prize for successfully controlling the molecular arrangements of olefins. In 1957, Hercules Powder Co. undertook the first commercial production of polypropylene resin in the United States. Subsequently, it manufactured PP fiber. Synthetic fibers were coming into prominence as raw material for cordage manufacture in the early ‘60s. By 1965, Manila Cordage Co. had completed the construction of a large and modern plant and began the production of PP ropes in such a magnitude as to gain prominence in this endeavor. Similarly, Manila Cordage Co. pioneered in the manufacture of large-sized ropes of up to 15" circumference.

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